Autocad architecture by autodesk
Horizontal section now works correctly when xref drawings are attached. Dynamic input prompt for polyline now shows up correctly for all angles on the next point prompt. The correct layer information of xref objects is now displayed in the Properties palette after a section is exploded. You can import the highlighted differences red from the compared drawing into the current drawing. When someone deletes or modifies a door, for example, the door schedule can be automatically updated. Create Wood Framing 3D models using lines to represent the framing elements of the model. Improved performance during copying and pasting of multi-views blocks with classification definitions that have duplicate subcategory names. Autodesk Knowledge Network. Wall Annotative wall hatch is now correctly displayed when attached as xref into another drawing. You can also compare the xref changes in the External References palette. Migration When migrating drawings from older releases, a warning is now displayed in the command line if synchronization is not completed. In a rotated UCS, room tags can now be placed in the correct rotation during creation of a space. Hire Consultants From online training classes to software customization, find top consultants on the Autodesk Services Marketplace. If you move or delete the wall, the window reacts accordingly.
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