How much is InDesign CS6

InDesign CS6 is a desktop publishing software application that was released by Adobe in 2012. It has been widely used by designers and publishers for creating high-quality page layouts for print and digital media. In terms of pricing, InDesign CS6 was offered as a standalone software purchase or part of Creative Suite 6 (CS6) bundle.

The cost of InDesign CS6 varied depending on where it was purchased from and the type of license that was bought. At the time of its release, the retail price for the full version of InDesign CS6 was $699 USD. However, Adobe offered a discounted upgrade price of $199 USD for users of previous versions of InDesign. Additionally, InDesign CS6 was included as part of the Creative Suite 6 Design Standard and Design & Web Premium bundles, which retailed for $1,299 USD and $1,899 USD, respectively.

It's worth noting that InDesign CS6 is no longer supported by Adobe and is no longer available for purchase. Adobe has shifted its focus to a subscription-based model with its Creative Cloud platform, which provides access to the latest version of InDesign, as well as other Adobe software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. The cost of Creative Cloud varies depending on the specific plan and subscription length that is chosen, but it generally starts at around $20 USD per month for a single app subscription.

In conclusion, while InDesign CS6 was a popular desktop publishing tool among designers and publishers, it is no longer offered by Adobe and has been replaced by the subscription-based Creative Cloud platform. If you're looking to use InDesign, it's recommended to consider the latest version of InDesign that is available through a Creative Cloud subscription.

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